Southern Route (quicker)
From Portland, travel northwest on Hwy 26 to the Hwy 6 junction just east of the town of Banks – about 20 miles.
Bear left into the exit, then travel southwest to Tillamook (about 50 miles). In Tillamook, follow the signs, turning right onto Hwy 101.
Travel north approximately 10 miles to reach Garibaldi.
Average travel time from west Portland is 1 hour, 45 minutes. Approximately 80 miles.
Northern Route
From Portland, travel northwest on Hwy 26 to the Hwy 6 junction just east of the town of Banks – about 20 miles.
Continue on Hwy 26 to the Hwy 101 junction, about 74 miles. Merge onto Hwy 101 South and travel south to Garibaldi, about 35 miles.
Average travel time from west Portland is 2 hours, 10 minutes. Approximately 96 miles.