Clamming is a popular activity around Tillamook Bay and along the beaches of Rockaway Beach to the north. Gapers, Butters, Cockles, Littlenecks and Softshells can be harvested. Successful clamming does require some knowledge and preparation. Before going out, harvesters should be aware of weather, regulations, closures, responsible harvest and techniques.
There are 10 distinct shellfish harvesting areas in Tillamook Bay. One of the easiest to access is just northwest of the Port of Garibaldi boat basin. It can be reached by boat or from the bank. Bank access to this area can be obtained through the boat basin, or from the parking area at the end of 12th St. in Garibaldi. A good mix of Butter, Cockle and Gaper clams can be found.
For information about how to harvest various species, go to the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife website: view website.
For a detailed map of the shellfish hunting areas in the bay, go to the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife website: view website.
Clamming is legal all year and at all hours. Exceptions are listed on the ODFW website. An exception is when any state agency has issued a public health advisory.
To learn about current health advisories, contact Oregon Dept. of Agriculture,
(800) 448-2474 or View Website