Event date being reconsidered and changes year-to-year. Please contact the Port of Garibaldi for more information.

Since 1981 on the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend, residents and visitors to the fishing village of Garibaldi gather and remember those local members of the fishing and maritime industries whose lives have been lost at sea and to pray for the safety of those who continue to earn their living on the water.
The annual Blessing of the Fleet is held at the Coast Guard Memorial, next to the U.S. Coast Guard Rescue Station in the Port area. The event features a color guard of Coast Guard personnel, guest speakers and local and regional dignitaries. Afterwards, units of the local fishing fleet, led by a Coast Guard vessel, head out to sea to place flowers on the ocean. Visitors are welcome to ride along as passengers.
Memorial Day weekend activities also include the Lions Club Fish Fry on Sunday afternoon at the Old Mill Resort.